Cara, I wanted to just message you and say thank you.

I got the opportunity to spend a few nights out on the ocean by myself and I constantly had your words running through my mind. To just believe in myself and to love myself.

I had been so caught up in my injury and losing my friends and people I care and being so alone through all of this it destroyed me. I’ll be honest, when I first started reaching out to you and others it is because I didn’t want to live anymore. At the end of 2020 I attempted suicide. And again earlier this year.

I lost the love I had for myself and I focused on hate. But just reading everything you wrote, and watching you talk and having you guide me.

I found my way back to myself with your help. And I have confidence that I won’t ever let myself fall to those depths again.

I exist today because of your work. Please never stop being who you are and showing the world love wins.
— Brandon, AB, CANADA

Cara is god in human form. She met my soul and spoke very profound things to it. Wow. Thank you for being such a divine being on this earth plane. ❤
— Kelly Hillmer, ALBERTA

I started seeing Cara when I was feeling stuck in life. I was seeking direction, but received so much more. She helped me find a light within myself that I had not felt in years. I’m so glad that I found her! I feel like myself again after a good sleep, finally! Thanks for your patience Cara ❤️
— Trinity, Yukon

Today I met Cara Darling. I reached out seeing about her company and skills through Instagram.  I couldn’t be more thankful, happier, and overjoyed that I did.  My first session was so powerful I was moved to tears more than a few times during our one and half hour session.  She is wise beyond her years in a multitude of topics from growing up, trauma, relationships, to energy and interpretation. She gave me a lot of useful skills, mantras, and new out looks on life that I will  use to be more successful in life with and most importantly taught me the value of self love. I won’t go into too many personal details, but I can feel a transformation in myself and the way I look at myself in the mirror just after our time today. I highly recommend her to anyone who needs a new outlook on life and doesn’t know how to achieve it.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart Cara for today.  She made the whole thing very easy going, easy to share, easy to talk, and easy to open up.

Hit her up to learn more about yourself, your values, and what energy you are giving and receiving from world. 5/5 would recommend to anyone.
— Matthew Shackelton

Hey Cara! I want to thank you for the last session ! It seems there has been a significant shift within myself ever since. 

The work is far from being done definitely and I will continue working with you and do the work on my end. 

However, something that is hard to explain is happening. It feels that your words kind of give my inner self - the permission to move forward by unlocking some emotional blockages / emotions. 

I’m truly grateful 
— Ettiene, Spain

Cara provided a welcoming and comforting environment where I felt free to be fully vulnerable and able to open up completely in order to get the most out of my session. Cara’s guidance through her readings helped me to be better in tune with my intuition and to recognize when i’m working in alignment with my truth. She also helped me see the ways i was already living in alignment which really helped me to relieve stress and build a solid foundation to move forward from. Most importantly for me, she allowed me to access my Divine Masculine. A part of me that, for a variety of reasons, had been lying dormant for most of my life. i would recommend Cara to anyone looking to be the strongest versions of themselves, and I strongly recommend Cara to anyone who is even a little uncomfortable with that idea.
— Shawn O’Connor, AB

Hey, I just wanted to say thank you so much again for our session! I am so much happier now and feel like a whole new person. I’ve lost almost 10 pounds since we talked and I won a 12-week personal training program that I started last week, I went on my first solo road trip with My son to a birthday party that I didn’t know anyone at. I’m spending less time online and started reading a book. I am so much more productive and fulfilled. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it so very much.
— -Kayleigh Carey, BC

My Oracle is hotter than yours!

Caradarling1111 you are a source of divine light and elegance.

I have been open to doing my readings with someone who walked the talk. I met this wonderfully talented individual on August long weekend, during a poignant time.

My heart💛 broke over the news of the residential school discoveries and the so-called “Canada Day” celebrations that people still chose to partake in had done a number on me.

I’d been wanting to meet her for some time but I got sick and life got in the way, it just wasn’t our time yet. Then one day, I received a sign in the form of a dream and we knew it had to happen!

What a day! This woman has gifts, her powers and insights helped me as I dig deep into this journey of self-discovery & enlightenment.

So many changes and so much goodness has occurred since we’ve met Caradarling1111

I invite my friends who are wanting to delve deep to do some work with her!

— Jennifer, Red Deer Alberta

Babe that was the BEST experience with someone’s gift I’ve ever had. I can’t thank you enough for all you shared with me 💜 my next smidge of time I want it to be about self. I took all tools you gave me yesterday and a huge change warmed our house. I had a hiccup last night with my partner about his work, but this morning we came together with love and trust like you said, the waves cleared. I want to help bring more people to you however I can. Everyone needs a Cara experience and gifts you share! 💜 sincerely from my heart, thank you 🙏🏽
— Alita, Alberta

I met Cara after having a stress induced cardio myopathy triggered by, what would seem like, a relatively minor external event. Unbeknownst to me, the event set off triggers from deep seated past wounds and unhealed issues deep within me. 

Before our first session, I was a mess. I went from being a very happy, healthy, successful guy to a guy with disrupted sleep patterns, high blood pressure, lack of focus and a number of other health concerns. I contacted Cara on IG at the same time as I was reaching out for clinical help through my employee assistance program. 

After my first session with Cara, I canceled the request with traditional clinical therapists. In 2 hours, Cara - somehow - managed to identify deep seated wounds that had been sabatoging me for a decade or more. More importantly, she offered steps I could take to heal. It was NOT what I expected but I slept well that night for the first time in days!

Cara has a rare and very unique ability to identify the deepest root causes underlying surface level extreme emotions and reactions. 

Through a series of questions, empathy, energy work, and other methods, Cara’s work is not at all traditional but is highly effective. I can legitimately say that my work with Cara has fundamentally changed the direction of my life and all of my relationships. 

If you are willing to be fully honest and transparent while also looking at hard truths, I highly recommend you book a session.